A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Song that B wrote

Ok, B got really pissed at the protesters at the funerals of our fallen hero's so he wrote a song about it. He wanted me to put it on my blog, so here it is.
The Angry Texan
Well it was early one morning
On my way from Amarillo
When I heard this real say story

Bout a soldiet who died
And gave the ultimate sacrifice
Gave his life for his country
And paid the price

Its a high cost to be paid
But no doubt one that has to be made
For good to trumph over evil
And to battle the devil

This man's last march down the street
Is sacred to him and his family
But some people from Kansas
Want to mess with us Texans

Tell us that the wars are wrong
And make us feel like hell
They need to put up or shut up
Cause our rebel pride will kick their ass

And march back home again
All so we can homor
Our dear dead friends

So you Kandad peopl just go back home
Cause I got a bone to pick
And if you mess with my friends
I will show you just what this old hick can do

I have been to this battle
For good and freedom
Watched my friends die
And dealth with the dtrife

Felt guilty for not doing more
And facing the truth
That these men did not die for me
They died for you

So you can carry your signs
On your picket lines
And not let them rest in peace

So in the end all I can say
Its a sd say
When you cann yourself a Christian
And even worse an American

I hope you protesters
Have one hll of a bad day!!

Things that I am Happy for

Ok my Mom did this so as we all know when my Mom does something then by God I have to do it too. So here it is. The things that I am happy for.

1. My family that loves me more than I could ever hope for.
2. A friend that will help you out with a stupid ass accounting class that I would not be able to pass if it wasn't for her. And that I can help her out with her management class.
3. A standing lunch date on Friday's.
4. A friend that will send you a text message in the middle of the night to tell you all the exciting things that you missed out on cause you didn't get to go out with her.
5. High speed internet, I just couldn't go back to dial up now.
6. A job that I find out more and more everyday that I love and that it fits me.
7. People who will laugh with me, or at me. Mostly my Mom, Pooh, Razz, Spooky Rach, and all of the other wonderful people at Mom Gator's office.
8. Clean panties, especially the one that I have that look like underoos, they are my favorite.
9. Sitting out on the farm looking up at a sky full of stars.
10. My dog Patrick cause we have been through so much together.
11. A boyfriend that will let me give him a horrible hair cut and still comes up to Amarillo to surprise me with a visit and flowers.
12. Online classes, even thought they are hard as all hell, at least I don't have to have a set schedule with them.
13. The time that Razz gave me two Benadril and 4 advil and I slept for like a day and a half, I think that way the last time I really slept.
14. A company car that I don't have to pay for the gas in.
15. My long blonde hair, I know I talk a bunch of smack about it cause I can't do anything with it, but I don't think I will ever cut it cause that's the first thing that people always say is "Oh you have the most beautiful hair.".
16. An uncanny ability to drive fast in the mud, and stay in control of Floyd.
17. That God gave me the strength to carry on after everything that happened. There was a few times when I didn't think that I was going to make it, but through him, loving family, and friends, we made it through. And I thank him everyday for the people he has placed in my life.
So, what are you thankful for right this minute?
*SPECIAL NOTE TO MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY* Thank you for everything. Even the things that y'all think are simple and insignificant, they have all meant so much to me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I am this guy

http://www.tk421.net/character/aragorn.jpg"width="191" height="233" style="border-color:#f8f8ff;" border="2" alt="Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?" />

You're jealous as hell, I can feel it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I Just Don't Understand

You know there are times that I just don't think that he could love me anymore, and then he goes and proves me wrong. On Saturday after I got done farming...Oh wait, that wasn't me that was him. After he gone done farming we were at his house and I was like let me cut you hair. And for some damned reason he said "Ok", and went and got the clippers and scissors so that I could cut his hair. I am sure that the look on my face was "OMG, he is actually going to let me do this." Then he asks me, "Have you ever cut hair before?" My response "Damnit B, I have a college education, surely I can cut hair!" Ok y'all, I can derive supply and demand curves from nothing but a bunch of numbers, can I cut hair...Apparently not so much. Well after we got done I called my Mom, and told her that B let me cut his hair. Her response, "I thought he was smarter than that." Well I guess not. So of course, what do I do? I take pictures. On Sunday, B was suppose to farm, because that's what B does, and I was doing homework, e-bay stuff, cleaning my house, etc. (cause I multi-task like something fierce), and B calls. Here's how the conversation goes. "Whatach doing?" says B. "Just putting stuff on e-bay. What are you doing?" <- me. "Well, we aren't cutting so I am going to come see you." <-B. What a sweetheart! After I gave him a horrible hair cut, he still came and saw me. He drove all the way from T-town (aka nowhere) to come and see me. Then what happened you say? He brought me a flower, and then cooked me dinner. Thats right ladies and gentleman, I have the best boyfriend in the whole wide world. He may not choose to be romantic all the time, but when he does, then damn he does it well. I love you so much, B. And just so everyone knows, for my first time cutting hair...it's not that bad! Do y'all think he looks happy, cause for some reason I don't think he does. And after I got done and was gonna take his picture he actually said that "Ok take the picture, but I am not gonna look happy." And look...he doesn't.
P.S. I know you are going to read this and be so happy that I put your pictures on here. And don't even try to feed that line to all the readers about you were in the neighborhood, newsflash. The farm is not in this neighbor hood. I love you.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Not what I bargained for!

Ok, all I wanted to do was has a normal jack-o-lantern, you know the one I mean...traingle eyes, big smile, five teeth. Not to much to ask right. So, I have spent the last 30 minutes craving on this damned thing, I worked so hard y'all. I even drew on him with a pencil first to make sure everything would be right. What I got is a little down syndrom pumkin with a hair lip. God bless my mother, because every year (even though I hated it) she would carve me a pumpin, and it would always look so wonderful. The smile would be all curvy and pretty, mine looks like he got into a bar fight and lost. Just thought I would let yall see this, hell maybe it will give you a laugh. It did me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Do I look excited?

Ok first off I did not want to get out of bed this morning at 5:30. Actually the thought of 5:30 am, just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But alas, I did get out of my warm bed to get ready this morning. But I didn't want to. So I got to thinking about where I am going today...Dumas. Yep the big town of Dumas. And I was like ~super~ (lots of sarcasm there), but then a glimmer of hope. Wait wait wait...Last time I was in Dumas I saw two count them two famous people and I forgot to tell yall about them. I saw John Munch from Law and Order SVU, and I saw Gill Grisham from CSI:Las Vegas. Gill is apparently working at the Wal-Wart in Dumas...I guess CSI just isn't paying enough. I bet the commute from Vegas is a who-ha right there yes ma'am. Munch was just shopping, I didn't get a chance to see what was in his buggy, I wonder what famous people buy? I wanted to take a pic of both of them, but how do you tell someone hey you look like a famous person and I want to snap your pic. For some reason I think they would have declined, but it really didn't matter because did this Gator pack her digital camera? No ma'am. So what am I taking with me today just in case I see them again? You got it...My camera. I won't let Munch and Grisham get away this time.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Dang this whole following thing

Saw this on MomGator's blog and I asked to play. She did what she said that she would do so now I am continuing the game. Thank you MomGator for letting me play.
Leave your name and...
1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. I'll try to say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST.

So come on everyone lets play. I don't care if you are a blogger or not lets do this anyways!

Can you believe its been a year?

OMG y'all. I can't believe its been a year since I watched this precious baby boy come into the world. I just wanted to take a minute and show y'all these pics from his party last night. Isn't he and his sisters just the cutest things you ever saw?

The Patrick Show

Back by popular demand (and because he was tired of hearing his Momdy spread rumors) its THE PATRICK SHOW...brought to you in part today by the printer. The printer, its been working extra hard to do all of Baby Gators added work. The printer, in a home office near you. Hello ladies and gentleman, welcome to the Patrick Show, I am your host...Patrick. Lets give a big round of appluase for our in house band Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Thank you Chachi! Well folks today we have a very special guest, the new giraffi in the house. ~wild applause~ Giraffi ~snorts a big puff of air, cause thats how giraffis communicate with other giraffis, I know because I saw it on the Discovery Channel~ Thank you for joining us today Ashur. How are you doing these days? "Well Patrick, I am doing well, and slowly learning to adjust to American life. Things are much different here than they are in Africa." Oh really, says Patrick. How is that? "Well other than there are no tribes, and now tall tall trees to eat, or cheetos I mean cheetas, trying to chase you down then theres really not that much difference. Sorry I do love those puffy cheetos." Oh me too, I know exactly what you mean. So wasn't it hard for you in Africa, I mean being as vertically challenged as you are. Were you shunned by all of the other giraffis? "It was hard Patrick, but I had a loving family that would pick me up and help me eat off of the tallest trees, and they would protect me if we were being chased by anyone/thing else." So how did you get to Baby Gator's house Ashur? "Well Patrick, I am in a program called the Foriegn Giraffi Program. Its where giraffis from all over, ok mainly Africa, go and visit forgien lands to learn about their culture. Baby Gator's Mama signed her up for it, but forgot to tell her about it. And one day I showed up and Baby Gator opened her home to me." Ah yes, Baby Gator is a sucker for animals. So do you like it here so far? "Oh yes I sure do Patrick, I have made lots of new giraffi friends, there are a total of 16 of us in all, I think the Baby Gator really likes giraffis." Yes, Ashur she does. Well Ashur, I hate to say it but it is time for us to go now. Thank you for being here, and I hope you have a wonderful stay at Baby Gator's house. "Well thank you Patrick. I look forward to seeing you in the living room sometime." Me too Ashur, me too. Lets give a big round of applause to your friend and mine Ashur, the new giraffi in the living. And as always, lets give a big thank you to our in house band Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Bring it on home Chachi. Thank you everyone! ~Patrick blows a kiss to the crowd~

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Patrick's New Friend

This is what I get for having a boyfriend that loves animals. B found this little guy out by his house. He has to belong to someonem, because he has a flea collar on and we put one of Patricks old collars on him. We are calling him Aiken because he has a hurt paw. He's a sweetie and him and Patrick get a long great, except Patrick is a little jealous (just a little). So here's a pic. Isn't he a cutie.

This is what happens

This is what happens why you drop a whole case of Diet Cokes from...oh I don't know...5 feet 5 inches off the ground, on accident. They actually hit the hallway floor but I managed to get them to the sink before any major explosions happened!

Paging Mr. Loo

Oh wait no, I mean Dogloo. In fact it's Patrick's new Dogloo. Mama and Dad bought it for him, so that when I am away and he is outside that he will have somewhere warm to sleep. (Because he is lazy and sleeps a lot.) I tried to take a pic of it with him too, but apparently he really had to tee-tee potty this morning. So here's the new Loo, give it a look see. Isn't Dogloo just the cutest name for it? I thought so...B thought I was being a dork!

HAHAHA Suckers!

I turned on my word verification so lets see if those jerks can put their crap-o-mercials on my blog now. ~laughs wickedly~ HAHAHAHAHA

Monday, October 03, 2005

Because sometimes I too and a follower

have seen this several places so here it goes....
[ ] I've run away from home.
[] I listen to political music.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[ X] I shut others out when I'm sad. (Sometimes)
[X ] I open up to others easily.
[X] I am keeping a secret from the world. (I want so badly to tell everyone, but some people wouldn't uderstand)

[] I watch the news.
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[ ] I own an I-Pod.
[x] I own something from Hot Topic. [lots of stuff]
[x] I love Disney movies.
[x] I am a sucker for hair/eyes.

[x] I don't kill bugs. [Hello why would I kill my own bugs if I have B and Pooh?]
[x] I curse regularly.
[ ] I paid for that cell phone ringtone.
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name.
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[ ] I love Spam.
[x] I bake well.
[x] I would wear pajamas to school. [I thought that was my uniform]

[X ] I own something from Abercrombie. (Nat gave it to me)
[x] I have a job.
[ ] I love Martha Stewart.
[x] I am in love with someone.
[x] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. [Only by accident]
[x] I am self conscious. [Not as much as I used to be.]
[x] I like to laugh.
[ ] I smoke a pack a day.
[] I loved Go Ask Alice.

[ ] I have cough drops when I'm not sick.
[ ] I can't swallow pills.
[x] I have many scars. [Definitely, I'm a klutz, and because my Mom lets me ride bikes with people that don't know how to watch a little kid sometimes, lol.]
[x] I've been out of this country. (Oh beautiful Cancun)

[x] I believe in ghosts.
[ ] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[x] I am really ticklish.
[x] I see/have seen a therapist. (Only because my Mom made me)
[] I love chocolate. (spit)

[] I bite my nails.
[x] I am comfortable with being me.
[ ] I play computer games/video games when i'm bored.

[x] Gotten lost in your city. [Hey there's a lot of ghettos around here]
[x] Saw a shooting star.
[ x] Gone out in public in your pajamas.
[x] I have kissed a stranger.

[x] Hugged a stranger.
[x] Been in a fight with the same sex.
[ ] Been arrested.
[x] Laughed and had milk/soda come out of your nose. [It was orange juice]
[x] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
[ ] Made out in an elevator.
[x] Swore at your parents. [Hell, yes. There was alot of eyerolling too]

[] Kicked a guy where it hurts.
[ ] Been skydiving.
[ ] Been bungee jumping.
[] Broken a bone.
[x] Played spin the bottle.
[] Gotten stitches.
[ ] Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[ X] Bitten someone. (Why do you think my phone says bite marks?)
[] Been to Niagara Falls.
[x] Gotten the chicken pox.

[ ] Crashed into a friend's car.
[] Been to Japan.
[x] Ridden in a taxi.
[ ] Shoplifted.
[ ] Been fired.
[x] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[x] Stole something from your job. [Nothing more than a few office supplies.]

[x] Gone on a blind date.
[x] Lied to a friend.
[x] Had a crush on a teacher/coach.
[] Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[] Been to Europe.

[] Slept with a co-worker.
[] Been married. [Not yet but I will be]
[ ] Gotten divorced.
[x] Saw someone dying.
[] Driven over 400 miles in one day.
[ ] Been to Canada.
[x] Been on a plane.

[x] Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x ] Thrown up in a bar.
[x] Eaten sushi.
[] Been snowboarding.
[] Been skiing.
[x] Been ice skating.
[ X] Met someone in person from the internet.

[x] Been to a motorcross show.
[x] Gone/Going to college.
[ ] Done hard drugs.
[ ] Taken painkillers.
[ ] Cheated on someone else.
[ X] Were so bored you took this survey.
[ ] Have a tattoo (I do so want one)