A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Well...at least some people want to know

Ok y'all...here is the big secret that I have been meaning to tell everyone about for a while, but with work being so hectic I haven't had a chance to blog. I went in to see my friend Sasha the other day. She is a hairdresser in C-town. She and I discussed it and we cut my hair! Cut off 8 inches! Can you believe it??? Then to top it all off she died 1/2 of my hair this beautiful red color, with a big red stripe down the middle. But over the past two weeks the color has faded and it has turned to pink...y'all know how I love pink!!! It is so awesome. I have never cut my hair before, other than just a trim, and oh holy cow it is so cool!!! I will try to take pics of it this week so that I can put them up here.

Also, I got ride of all of that losers shit that was still at my house. He had the nerve to call me up at 11:40PM (I am sure he was drinking) and demand his stuff back. He kept calling me a F***ing B****, and saying that I was going to straight to Hell. So all of his shit is gone, and we had torrential rain last night and all of his crap is outside at some of my friends house...lol turkey fryer...rain...probably not the best mix. Oh well, I guess you shouldn't have been an asshole.

Another thing is the rabbit is gone. I got ride of her on Monday. Praise the Lord. That was one more mouth to feed, and geez I am only one person. It is hard to take care of two dogs, two cats, a fish, and a rabbit. And by the end of this week Peter the Fish is going to live in his new home at Lydia's house. She has horses and a big stock tank that Peter can live in with other fishes. So it will just be me and the animals that I love.

So that is all that has changed so far, but as soon as something else changes...which will be happening soon hopefully, then I will let you know. Sooner this time...I promise!


At 6:35 AM , Blogger Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

YEA! All of his stuff is finally gone! How many times have you tried to give it back? At least 2 dozen times huh? You put enough money and time into someone who did not want to change and be a good person. Someone that you could still file felony charges on but you decided to take the high road and just take care of it yourself. How many times did I tell you to look at his parents and see what he would be like in 20 years. I never dreamed that would come around faster than it did. You learned a valuable lesson sweetheart but you learned and moved on!

I still do not understand why you could choose to support a man that just wanted to stay home and sit on his lazy ass and not work!?!?!?

*puts away her tall soap box and calms down*

You are a beautiful educated loving young woman who deserves better than what you settled for in the past.

Let the losers stay in the past. Remember...restraining orders are our friends *grins*

BTW...I would think about posting any future emails or comments that you might get from him. I think people want to believe he is a nice guy but they have never read the things he has written to you. Well...or even to me. It would knock their socks off if they could read the email that I got from him.

At 1:17 PM , Blogger Flutterby said...

Now didn't I tell you there was no law saying *where* you had to keep it, even if you felt compelled TO keep it??!! LOL.. rain. LMAO. And I know your mom probably yammered and yammered worried to death about you over this whole situation and I think she needs to.. ahem... shushitup dear darling Melinda. Your beautiful wonderful daughter chose to try and believe the best was still in there somewhere in him and it just didn't happen to be the case. The best lessons we learn are the ones we sometimes have to learn the hard way. It still could have been so much worse. (My GOD what if she's gone and MARRIED HIM????) You have every right to hold your head up high BG and you KNOW it! And about the hell thing? If you end up there, I am sure I will be there to keep you company; we'll figure out some way to sell snow cones.

At 9:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very proud of you for standing up and not taking any shit off of anyone, because you don't ever have to!


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