A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The New House

Ok everyone we all went and looked at the new house yesterday. And everyone in the family really loved it! I swear we brought almost everyone, but the dogs. From my family the only person that was missing was my cousin, Ootl's son. Only B's mom came for him, but she is the person that is really important to him in his family. I on the other hand had my Mama and Dad, Mom and Bebo, and Ootl. It was crazy. They all loved the new house and I am so excited. We are throwing around the idea of moving in the last weekend of April, because that is when the lease is up here at the apartment, and the first payment on the house isn't until June. So look at us go we won't have to pay rent for May. How cool are we? I guess it will all depend on when we can get a fence up so that the boys won't be running all over the place. We are both so excited! I just can't wait. I will keep you posted!

Friday, March 24, 2006

My List

  1. An assortment of clean panties this morning.
  2. Being able to get up and go to work so that I don't have to stay here.
  3. Getting to go to lunch with my Mom Gator today.
  4. A dishwasher, because soon I will not have one of those.
  5. Pay day.
  6. Getting a house that I will be able to move into soon, so that I do not have to hear the really old woman upstrairs with the horribly squeezy bed.
  7. That today is Friday.
  8. The B has a boss who is nice enough to know that deaths happen unexpectedly, and allowing him to take time off.
  9. B not getting fired!
  10. Friends that know that I still love them even if we don't get to talk for a while, because we are both so busy.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

We'll be happy in Happy

We are so excited y'all. We found a house, in Happy. Who would have thought we would find one that we would fall in love with there? Not I for sure. Ok I am going to try to upload a pic of it. It is three bedrooms, one bathroom, two car garage, two shops in the back, sitting on three lots. It is so cute!!! Ok some reason it won't let me upload right now, but I will post a pic ASAP! The only problem is that it doesn't have a fence, but me and B are going to try to get them to put one up. We are going to rent to own with no down payment...how cool is that? Yep still won't upload that pic. Since we are going to rent to own I am going to tear down this HORRIBLE wood paneling that they have going on for them all over the walls. I hate wood paneling. B says we (mostly he) can put up a fence for the boys if they will let us. It shouldn't be any problem. Thats what the lady showing it to us yesterday said. There is so much potential with this house, but it is already livable. It has BRAND NEW carpet that is a very pretty light tan color...not sure the correct name for light tan, but oh it is so cute. The bathroom will need some work, but it is useable. There is nothing wrong with it...other than that dang wood paneling. When we start this whole thing I will keep you all updated with pictures on what is happening. You want to know what is crazy. For almost the same amount of money as we are spending now we are going to have a three bedroom house that almost doubles out living space, and if you count the shops that are as big as the house...well you see where I am going with this. Well those pics still won't load, but i will work on it. Love y'all.

Friday, March 17, 2006


I am so happy that it is Friday. It has been a rather stressful Spring Break, but it is almost over. So today I decided to do a things I am happy/thankful for list. So here goes.
  1. That I will be moving someday soon.
  2. That I have friends and family that love me.
  3. That I have friends and family to love.
  4. That I am not wearing a girdle today, probably should be, but I just don't feel like it.
  5. Clean panties.
  6. That I have over half of my paper that is due on Tuesday done.
  7. That my makeup did good today-wearing blue eye shadow because I want to.
  8. That I have a job that I love.
  9. That my friends will tell me no matter where I move thier friendship doesn't stop at the city limits.
  10. That the scales were low today. It makes you feel good to know that you have lost two pounds in a week. Would have been even cooler if it were 20lbs, but hey take what you can get.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Snake Bite

My Mom will know what that means. Some really crappy things happen sometimes, but my Mom can usually make them better. So here is what I know...mainly because she told me.
  1. I am beautiful.
  2. I am successful.
  3. I am wonderful.
  4. I know how to deal with depression.
  5. My family does not have secrets.
  6. I have come too far to turn back now.
  7. In less than a year I will have another degree.
  8. In less than a year I will be married.
  9. I have friends and family that love me dearly.
  10. That I am to strong to let myself be made to change again!

Thank you Mom, B, Pooh, Razz, and everyone else that has been there for me. I love you all so much and I think that we have all made this journey together. Thank you! I just can't tell you all of you that enough.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Figment of you imagination

Ok y'all this is suppose to be Spring Break right?!? For all of my readers that are not from this country Spring Break is a week in the middle of the spring semester at school that you get off for a whole week. No school. This is great when you are an undergraduate, but when you decide to further your education you discover that Spring Break really doesn't exist. I still have to get up at 5:30 to go to work. I still have a paper due next Tuesday, and I still have a case study due the week after that. So this only leads me to wonder....Does Spring Break really exist? Also on a bit of sad note if you want to take it that way it has been a year since I moved to Amarillo. And most of you know why I moved. There have been some sad times since then, but look at how God has blessed me? I have a wonderful fiance that loves me dearly and I love him. I have two terribly spoiled dogs that adore both of us. I still have an extremely loud hamster that runs on his wheel for exercise when I get up in the morning. If I only had his will power to exercise every morning too. B and I almost have the wedding paid for. We are looking at getting a house in Canyon, and after this semester I only have one more to go in graduate school. So if you are reading this (person that is the reason that I moved to Amarillo) I hope that you are as happy and content with your life as I am. I hope you know that I still think of you on occasion, and I wish you the best of luck in your future. And I am seriously working on forgiving your brother. He said some horrible things, and I still think of them often, but he should know that someday forgiveness will come, and I hope that he finds peace himself. Ok that was a side note. Sorry about that y'all. Anyways, if anyone can find proof that Spring Break really does exist please show it to me. I would love to have that feeling of not doing a dang thing again.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another List

Well y'all all know me, and how much I just love lists!!! Well my Mom always makes list about the things that she is thankful for, so I figured I would follow suit. So here goes it!
  1. For not having the stomach flu anymore!!!
  2. Friends that will make me laugh when I am laying in bed not feeling good. This one is for Pooh..."Keep on keeping on!"
  3. The gazelle that I just walked three miles on.
  4. The ab lounge that I just did 500 crunches on.
  5. A fiance that cooked me a wonderful dinner of Hamburger Helper and Corn.
  6. My Mom that will tell B that he has to share MY cheetos with me.
  7. A wonderful Dad that will drive to Amarillo to take me to the doctor when I can't stop yaking.
  8. A dog that will take naps with me when I don't feel good, or when I do feel good. Ok P-dog doesn't care what we do as long as we are doing something.
  9. My Mama that does my laundry, and even irons it so that I don't have too.
  10. Having all of my essays done for my test tomorrow night.
  11. Freshly painted fingernails.
  12. Clean panties...Thank you Mama.
  13. Beautiful daisies on top of my TV.
  14. Rub on tanner.
  15. For it being only one more week until Spring Break...Thank you God!!!! I didn't think I was going to make it.