A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday Thankfulness

Saw this on my Mom's Blog, so I thought I should do it too!
  1. A job that I do not have to get up at the butt crack of dawn and leave for work.
  2. Not having to wear a lot of make up to my new job.
  3. My new shirts that Mama sent me. they are very comfortable.
  4. Losing two pounds. I work hard at it.
  5. Finding all the ingredients for Goolosh last night.
  6. my friends calling me yesterday. That made me so happy!
  7. Being able to have time to do stuff for my wedding before school starts.
  8. Gomer being understanding when I start to cry when I think most people have stopped caring.
  9. The new dog Spike! I like him. But if anyone out there needs a Chahuahua that isn't like most chahuahua's then I could part with him.
  10. E-bay.
  11. Daniel my friend from school that now works at Zales. He is getting my ring sent off to be looked at when no one else would listen to me.
  12. Scrunchis-an all time favorite hair accesory.
  13. Little brother being home.
  14. And so many other things, but I have to put on my shoes, so I can walk a mile before I go to work
  15. Oh and some shorts that didn't fit at the beginning of last week that i have on right now!!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I couldn't make this stuff up

I was looking at wedding websites today instead of cleaning my house like I should be doing, and I came across some of the wierdest wedding favors...ever! Here are some of them I thought I would share with you! The first is a cheese grater. the little sticker on the package says "A "Grate" Love" in case you can't read it!

The other picture wouldn't load, but it was little personalized jars of honey. I thought they were cute.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Little Sad

I have been sitting here thinking, and I got a little sad. No this post isn't about school again. This post is about my friends. Somewhere along the line all of them have lost their fingers, or forgotten my phone number. This is tragic. They are all perfectly willing to talk to me if I call them, but known of them can seem to remember how to dial a phone. I can count on one hand the amount of people that have called me in the last two weeks (not counting telemarketers). Let's see...there's Gomer, Lydia, Mom Gator, Mama Gator, and Nat-Girl. Yep that's it! So this post is to all of my friends out there that something terrible might have happened too. I would like to remind you that when scary people showed up at your home I came without question to beat them up. When you were having kidney stones and called at 2am, I came to watch your child. I have baby sitted while you went to a family function. I was there to hold your hair and tell you it was going to be ok and that yes eventually you would quit throwing up, because you drank to much. Hell I even asked you people to be in my wedding (and you know who you are!) I have let you crash on my couch, and not one and I mean NOT ONE of you has come to see my new home or bothered to call me in the past month. Ok, I just had to rank for a moment, but I am still pissed! Just so everyone knows...it is not long distance to Happy.

A small hole

I realized something yesterday evening. This semester wil be my last one in school. I know a lot of you think that is a silly thing to be upset about, but I kind of am. I really lie school. I have been in college since 1998. Yes that is two years before I graduated high school. When I walk across that stage in December I will have been in college for 9 years. 9 years...that's a long time! At first I would take only one class a semester, back when I was still in high school. Then my senior year in HS I took two classes a semester or maybe three I can't remember. Then some during the summer. I took the first online class that Wayland Baptist ever offered. (That dates me). Then I moved to WT, and started going to school full time. Looking back now I should have studied more and partied less, but hey what do you expect of a 19 year old kid? I remember being sad when I graduated with my Bachelor's degree, because I did not know here that would take me. So on to Graduate shcool for me, still right here in the Heartland at good old WT. It is hard to believe that it has been almost two years since I graduated...wow look at all the things that have happened. New people who have entered my life or left my life. I know that I have bigger plans for once I graduate. I once talked about going on to get my Doctorial degree, but I don't think that is really inthe cards for me right now. If you think about it there will only be a short break between when I graduate and when Gomer and I get married. Wow how time flies!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

*singing with the voice of Peter Griffin* Fireman Fireman

*Still singing in the voice of Peter Griffin when he was doing his Spiderman impression while scaling across the clothes line to see Lois in the garden*
If there's a fire who can put it out? GOMER CAN! GOMER CAN!
That's right everyone Gomer got on the volunteer fire department here in the town without a frown. He is on a 90 pobationary period, because there has to be 2/3 of the members of the fire department there to vote on a new appliant, and only three people showed up last night. (Plus Gomer that made 4) So they ammended the bi-laws of the volunteer fire department so that Gomer could join. He is very excited. He brought home instructional videos to watch. So tonight he is going to rub my shoulders while we watch Fireman training videos. ~I know all of you other ladies are so jealous!~ So back to my song.
Why can he put it out? Cause he's a FIREMAN FIREMAN!!