A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hey everyone...

I just wanted to let everyone know that my blog site will be changing. If you want to know the new address then just leave me a comment on here. If I have your e-mail address then I will send you the link to the new site. I have my reasons for changing the address, and also for changing my e-mail address and my phone number. A major one is...well I won't go into that. Please let me know if you want the new link.

Thanks a million!!!

Baby Gator

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Well...at least some people want to know

Ok y'all...here is the big secret that I have been meaning to tell everyone about for a while, but with work being so hectic I haven't had a chance to blog. I went in to see my friend Sasha the other day. She is a hairdresser in C-town. She and I discussed it and we cut my hair! Cut off 8 inches! Can you believe it??? Then to top it all off she died 1/2 of my hair this beautiful red color, with a big red stripe down the middle. But over the past two weeks the color has faded and it has turned to pink...y'all know how I love pink!!! It is so awesome. I have never cut my hair before, other than just a trim, and oh holy cow it is so cool!!! I will try to take pics of it this week so that I can put them up here.

Also, I got ride of all of that losers shit that was still at my house. He had the nerve to call me up at 11:40PM (I am sure he was drinking) and demand his stuff back. He kept calling me a F***ing B****, and saying that I was going to straight to Hell. So all of his shit is gone, and we had torrential rain last night and all of his crap is outside at some of my friends house...lol turkey fryer...rain...probably not the best mix. Oh well, I guess you shouldn't have been an asshole.

Another thing is the rabbit is gone. I got ride of her on Monday. Praise the Lord. That was one more mouth to feed, and geez I am only one person. It is hard to take care of two dogs, two cats, a fish, and a rabbit. And by the end of this week Peter the Fish is going to live in his new home at Lydia's house. She has horses and a big stock tank that Peter can live in with other fishes. So it will just be me and the animals that I love.

So that is all that has changed so far, but as soon as something else changes...which will be happening soon hopefully, then I will let you know. Sooner this time...I promise!

Friday, October 05, 2007

4 Things.... A meme

4 Jobs I’ve Held

Camp Counselor
A/R Manager

4Films I Could Watch Over and Over

Steal Magnolias
16 Candles
Pretty In Pink

4 TV Shows I Watch

Family Guy
My Name is Earl
Law and Order-SVU

4 Places I’ve Lived

Plainview, Texas
Clarendon, Texas
Happy, Texas
Krum, Texas (sense a TX theme going on here?)

4 Favorite Foods

Chips and Hot Sauce
Crab Cheese Wontons
Mama's Chicken Enchiladas

4 Favorite Colors


4 Places I Would Love to Be Right Now

The Ocean
The Mountains
The River
With my Family

4 Names I Love But Would/Could Not Use for my Children
Publish Post
Jackson...Jaxs for short
Sebastian...Bash for short

Ok I am going to tag: Rach, Ester Bunny, Little Miss Martha Stewart, and Bunny Buster.

And if anyone is curious...I made that change that I was talking about. But I bet no one wants to hear about it. Right???