A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Patrick Show

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Patrick Show. I am your host...Patrick. Lets give a big round of appluase for our in house band Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Thank you Chachi! Well folks today we have a very special guest, he comes to us all the way from Shalisse's house...lets welcome Dinomite the Rocking Horse. ~wild applause~ Dinomite snots and bucks and eggs the crowd on. Thank you for being here today Dinomite, how are you? "I am rough tough rodeo horse Patrick, I am fired up for some good riding. " ~snorts~ Well, how nice! So, where are you from Dinomite? "I come from the wild west Patrick, ain't nothing out there I cain't do. Cause my daddy drank gasoline and my mamma kicked down trees. I am rough tough rodeo horse!" Yes, you mentioned that. So, when did you become a riding horse? "I ain't no riding horse Patrick. Ain't no one ever gonna ride me. I buck them cowboys off before they even know whats coming!" ~snorts and paws at the ground~ Well thats just super Dinomite. What happened to your tail? "Lost it in a freak accident. These cowboys were trying to put a halter on me and I was bucking and kicking as hard as I could. I busted out of the arena and ran staight into the barn. I got a little to close to the sheep sheers and lost my tail. ~snorts and paws more~ Patrick looks a bit uneasy. Well thats all the time we have for today. Thank you for joining us Dinomite. Lets give a big round of applause for someone you never want to make angry, your friend and mine...Dinomite. And as always, lets give a big thank you to our in house band Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Bring it on home Chachi. Thank you everyone! ~Patrick blows a kiss to the crowd~

I am Woman Hear Me Roar...

Ok, for the past few months I have been riding around with my spare tire in the back of my pickup, its suppose to be attached under the bed of my truck, ok. So anyways, I have just been getting this feeling that if I don't put it up that its going to get stolen. Cause apparently people steal things...I don't know why. Anyways, so last night I go out side, lay under my pickup and drag the pull string down that holds the tire up. (just picture it ok) So I get the tire out from the bed of Floyd and lay it underneither the bed. Then I had to crawl back under neither to put the hook thing from the pull sting dilly through the hole part in the wheel base. Real technical words I know. So, I start trying to crank the pull string thingy back up and let me tell you...tires aren't that heavy if you are just trying to get it out of the bed of a pickup, but if you are laying on the ground trying to crank it up with a pair of pliers so that it can attach the underside of your pickup its pretty damn heavy! Anyways, it was a mission accomplished! So I have officially done work to my pickup myself! Just wanted everyone to know my accomplishment!

Friday, August 19, 2005

The Patrick Show

Hello again Ladies and Gentleman. Welcome to The Patrick Show. I am your host…Patrick! Lets give a round of applause to our in house band Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. ~wild applause~ Wow, Chachi I see you got a new guitar. ~Chachi jumps on the guitar and starts playing the intro to the movie “Wayne’s World”~ Wow, Chachi where ever did you learn to play? “I am a natural Patrick, I play by ear. I never went to school or lessons to learn to play. I am a huge music buff that loves all types of music.” Chachi says. Well that is wonderful to have that kind of talent Chachi. “Thank you Patrick. I would like to say one more thing to all of our fans. It was recently on our comments page there were accusations that I Chachinski Nicholas Choate do drugs. I would like to set the record straight. I have never done drugs. Yes, I did have a bit of a cardboard problem for a while, but after countless hours on the wheel I have managed to let that addiction go. I just wanted to let our audience and loyal viewers know that.” Well thank you for setting the record straight Chachi. Now on to our special guest or should I say guests of the day. Give them a big Patrick Show welcome Mother cow and her twin cows from the kitchen. ~Cows meander out mooooing~ Thank you for being her today Mother Cow and twin cows from the kitchen. Tell me, how did you come to live in this new establishment. ~Twin cows jump to talk & Mother Cow gives them a stern look~ “Well Patrick, we have only been at our new residence now for about a week. We use to live in a house across town where people did not care to have us all on display. That is when sweet, wonderful, terrific baby gator came to our rescue and brought us to live with her.” Says MC (mother cow). Ah, so baby gator bought you all at a garage sale? ~Mother cow shoots Patrick the same look she gave the twin cows~ “In layman’s terms, yes. She bought us all at a garage sale last weekend. She is a very frugal shopper you know.” Well, that is just wonderful. How do you like living in baby gators home so far, twins? In unison “we love it Patrick. We get to hang out with other cows all day long. There is a blind albino cow that lives across the kitchen from us, and she always has to best stories to tell about her days in the pastures. She is now a milk pourer, but baby gator doesn’t put milk in her, because the baby gator just uses her for decoration.” One of the twins starts to wonder off. Mother cow, goes to herd her young calf back with the group. Well MC it sure looks like you have your hands full. I would like to thank you for coming in today and talking with us, and I hope you all have a wonderful day in the kitchen. “Well, thank you for having us Patrick. I must say I have always had a crush on you. I just love all of your spots. If you ever wanna mooooosey over to the kitchen maybe you could stop and say hello.” Chachi begins to play the old country song “Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places”. Patrick, with a confused look on his face says Yeah, maybe. Well thank you ladies and gentleman for tuning in today. Please join us next week for another all new (no one reused) special guest star. Take us home Chachi. “I can’t see over the steering wheel Patrick, but I will play you a song.” Patrick blows a kiss to the audience. Chachi begins to play another rocking tune on his guitar then jumps back to the drums, and takes on to the credits.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Camille is...

Saw this on SpookyRach's. It is hysterical! Go to google. Type "(your name) is" and paste your favorite 12 responses. Rach says 10, but I couldn't just do 10. LOL

Camille is sitting on an ebony throne.

Camille is a vision in lace her straw hat is adorned with feathers and held on by a chiffon tie.

Camille is literally like entering another world.

Camille is 12 and she is finding that growing up is hard.
(If you know me at all...how creepy is this one???)

Camille is escaping from the police officer who has her under arrest.
(I can out run the Canyon PD)

Camille is a monument to 1930s romantic glamour.

Camille is known for her interactive motivational style and use of humor to underscore key points.

Camille is drawn into a world whose existence she never dared imagined.

Camille is lured into the seductive.

Camille is extremely intelligent.

Camille is serious about finishing her schooling.

Camille is the type of puppy we hope for in every litter.

Its just me, I got ready to early today so I am playing around with pics on my blog. I have an interview today, and I am a little nervous. I guess that's why I got ready so fast. Lol, wish me luck! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 12, 2005

Patrick Show


Hello Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the Patrick Show, I am your host...Patrick! Lets give a round of applause for our in house entertainment Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Thank you Chachi...love the new drum set.
Today out special guest in some you all know and love...Please give a warm Patrick Show welcome to Cody the Bear! ~wild applause~
welcome Cody...I see you are wearing your famous plaid ribbon today. "Why, yes Patrick I am...I feel it is important to look your best no matter where you are going."
And how do you always look so good Cody? "Well Patrick, I have found that if you just get caught up in the sheets when your Mom is going to Plainview to see your Momdy, then your Momdy will take you for a ride in the washing machine. People, speak of bungy jumping, but I guarantee you Patrick there is nothing like a ride through the washing machine, and then a round or two in the dryer to make sure you don't mold." Well ladies and gents you heard it hear first if you wanna stay clean...just wash. So Cody, anything new exciting happening in your neck of the woods. "Well, I did have a new neighbor move onto the bed with me." Really, who's that?
"A really insocialable gal...We call her cow. She doesn't talk much, she hasn't really done a lot of the neighbor hood, she just kinda lays there. But to each his own...Right Patrick?" Definantly Cody. So any big plans for today? "No Patrick, I think I am just going to lay on the bed like I do everyday, maybe go see the chicken on the other pillow, but other than that gonna be a slow day for me." Well Cody I would like to thank you for coming in, we really appreciate you talking to us today. I hope you have a great one and we will have to have you back on the show. "Well, thank you Patrick, have your people call my people...We'll do lunch. Love you P-dog." Love you too, Cody! Well ladies and gentleman, please give another round of applause to Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Until next time I am your host Patrick dog and I say good day to you! ~Patrick blows a kiss to the audience.~

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This Song Is Stuck

This song is stuck in my head, so I thought I would share it with all of y'all. Enjoy!

Oh I wish I was a little mosquito ~deep voice~ mosquito
Oh I wish I was a little mosquito ~deep voice~ mosquito
I’d go bitey bitey bitey over everybody’s hiney
Oh I wish I was a little mosquito ~deep voice~ mosquito

Oh I wish I were a little juicy orange ~deep voice~ juicy orange
Oh I wish I were a little juicy orange ~deep voice~ juicy orange
I’d go squirty squirty squirty over everybody’s shirty
Oh I wish I were a little juicy orange ~deep voice~ juicy orange

Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap ~deep voice~ bar of soap
Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap ~deep voice~ bar of soap
I’d go shiney shiney shiney over everybody’s hiney
Oh I wish I were a little bar of soap ~deep voice~ bar of soap

Oh I wish I were a little lawn mower ~deep voice~ lawn mower
Oh I wish I were a little lawn mower ~deep voice~ lawn mower
I’d go mowey mowey mowey over everybody’s toey
Oh I wish I were a little lawn mower ~deep voice~ lawn mower

Friday, August 05, 2005

The Patrick Show

Everyone is doing these Friday blogs right now about their cats, or the cows you see around Fake Cow County. Well, unfortunantly I do not have a cat, or a cow so instead, every Friday I will be doing "The Patrick Show" ~wild applause~ Since, I can't figure out how to crop my photos again (college education keep in mind) Princess of Everything is our special trainer today, or until I can get a pic of Patrick without somone else in it. Lol.

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to “The Patrick Show” I’m your host….Patrick. Please give a round of applause to our in house band “Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band” *applause* Well ladies and gentlemen our special guest today is someone we all know and love, please give a warm welcome to Junior the dog next door. *applause*. So Junior, I hear you have a move coming up? In a strong British accent “Why yes, Patrick I do. My family and I will be moving to a new apartment complex located on the other side of town.” Wow Junior, that sounds exciting, when will y’all be making the big trip? “Our last day is Saturday, August 6. From there we will be residing in Willow Glen apartments.” Well you must be very excited. So tell us a little bit more about yourself Junior. Where are you from? What plans do you have for the future? There are rumors of an alleged romance between you and Squeakers the Cat, how do you feel about that? Junior becomes a little irritated. “I am growing tired of people accusing Squeakers and I of having an affair. Can’t two animals from different species just live together, I love Squeakers we have always been close but nothing could ever come of it because after all she is a domestic cat and I am a Noble Pug.” Understandable Junior, and we will talk more about that and other issues when we come back after this word from our sponsors. ~Chachi leads into commercial break playing the Tom Jones hit “It’s Not Unusual to be Loved By Anyone” *commercial break* And we are back, I am your host Patrick and our special guest today is Junior the dog next door. Well Junior we have heard rumors that you are coming out with a new movie…can you tell us about it? “Why yes Patrick. It’s a musical about a pug that is the runt of the litter and takes in a nice family to raise. I am co-starring in it with Squeakers the cat, of course, Conner the poodle want to be as the villain *Patrick growls*, and Coco the Attack cat from upstairs plays a friend of mine that helps me clean up my act, get off the street and get adopted.” Wow Junior, I bet it will be another masterpiece. So you are direct, producing, and starring in this musical as well, right? “Yes Patrick I am, I love to act but my real passion is directing.” Where do you find the time, Junior? “Its just something that you do, I also take time out of my schedule to play with my family, hang out with Squeakers, and mingle with the other people in our complex.” Man Junior, you are one busy Pug. Well ladies and gentlemen that’s all the time we have for today. I want to thank my special guest this week Junior the dog next door. Another special thanks to our in house entertainment “Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band”. Please join us next week when we interview an all new special guest, thank yall and have a good night.