A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Just cause I feel like writing...And my Mom did it

I have seen it every where but am just now doing it.....

Accent: Southern of course. It gets really bad when I get mad or when I am trying to sell something to my managers.

Booze: Many in my day, but those days are over now.

Chore I hate: Depends on what mood I am in. I don't mind cleaning house when I am in the right mood.

Dog or cat: I have a dog. P-dog, but you all know that already.

Essential electronics: Cell phone and computer.

Favorite cologne(s): Individual Blue by Avon, but the discontinued it. So whatever smells good.

Gold or silver: Silver.

Hometown: Clarendon and Plainview.

Insomnia: sometimes...It depends on what is going on in my life.

Job title: Vendor, Retail Sales Rep, Fiance, Daughter, grand daughter, bitch...Depends on who you are asking I guess.

Kids: Do animals count? If they do then 4, not counting the fish and snail. I think if you have to flush them when they die then they don't count as kids.

Living arrangements: For the next two days this crappy apartment, but after that a beautiful new house in a tiny town.

Most admirable trait: ~laffin~ I don't know that I have one. Everyone says I have a unique voice, and they like my smile.

Number of sexual partners: Lets don't go there.

Overnight hospital stays: I don't remember. Two I think.

Phobias: Burger King Dude! I hate the SOB, who gets in bed with you, and when you wake up then you don't care because he is offering you a crusandwich. He probably went through your panty drawer while you were asleep.

Quote: There are so many.

Religion: Christian.....Nazarene.

Siblings: One brother, Bebo.

Time I wake up: Between 5:45-6:30

Unusual talent or skill: I don't think I have one.

Vegetable I refuse to eat: cooked carrots...They make me want to throw up!

Worst habit: eating when stressed

X-rays: teeth and my shoulder after the wreck.

Yummy foods I make: I can cook a lot of stuff.

Zodiac sign: Pieces and that fits me to a T!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's Been a Good Day!

Ok if everyone could please over look the tiny little break down that I had last night we will proceed with this new post. It has been a really good day. I had kinda scary dreams last night, but that is because I was feeling all poopy on the inside and I took some Tylenol PM so that I could go to sleep early so that I could get up at 3am. I dreamed my uncle flew a helicopter to bomb his ex wife's house. It was weird. I kept trying to tell him Ootl you can't fly a helicoptor you can't even see! But anyways. I went and did the reset on the Frito Lay modular in No where, New Mexico this morning. It was me and 8 men. Lets just put it this way there were too many chiefs and 1 Indian. Me I was the Indian. So then I drove home, and B/Gomer has packed a lot of stuff up, and when he gets back I think we are going to go to the new house and take some of this stuff. I am already ready for the weekend to be here so that we can get all of this done and we can start living in the new house. ~YEAH FOR THE NEW HOUSE~ Other than that not a lot has happened today. I feel a lot better today. I stopped in at my old work on my way back and used the bathroom and weighed on their scales there and I lost 2 1/2 lbs. Now that is not saying that they will stay off until I go Mom's office and weigh on Thursday, but it made me feel kinda good. I am really tired right now, so I think I will lay down on the couch for a while. But when I get up I am going to get started doing stuff again. Maybe!

Monday, April 24, 2006

He's not suppose to give us more than we can handle

Somewhere in the Good Book it says that the Lord will not give us more than we can handle. I know this. I tell myself this everyday. That and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Well I don't feel very strong. Every one of you who I am the slightest bit close to knows what happened around this time last year. Many of you did not know if I was going to make it through all of the struggles, but I did. I came through victorious! Well guess what. Those same old nasty feelings are back. This should be one of the happiest times in my life. I have a wonderful fiance, the best family and friends anyone could ever ask for, a great job, we are buying a house, planned a wedding, and I will graduate in 8 more months. Actually one semester, but I don't take classes in the summer. It is spring time. I think this is suppose to be the happiest time of year, but why is everyone so down lately. Everyone I know is in a bummed out mood, and that worries me. People won't come out and tell you they are hurting on the inside. It just scares me, because I thought things were going well 11 months ago and then the phone call came and my life changed forever. Maybe I am just not over that. Maybe I am afraid history repeats itself. I sit here in no-where New Mexico at the hotel and I cry. I cry while I type this. I want to make things better for everyone and I don't know how. Why do things have to be like this. I don't want anyone to be upset because I am moving, or because they can't help me financially, or because of anything. I just want to look around and see happy people. I want that for everyone. My Mother has no idea how great of a parent she has been. I could tell her until I am blue in the face, but she will never fully understand. And she deserves so much better than the things she has been put through, and she deserves to not have to put up with some stupid shit head that has a chicken little complex. But I can't give her that. B witnessed terrible things in Iraq...Things that I don't even know about. But I know when he wakes up in a sweat after a bad dream that something new has come back into his memory. He deserves to have peace within himself. I can't give him that. Pooh has a big heart, and has been there for me through so much. I want her to feel true happiness, but I can't give it to her. Razz, my oldest friend (13 years and going strong) deserves to not have to work two jobs. She should get to have financial stability, peace in her home, and a happy reason to get up in the morning, but I can't give her that. It is stupid, but I am sitting here crying. People are walking by the computer room window and looking in and seeing me crying and you know what? I don't care. Sometimes it just feels good to cry. I keep telling myself and everyone else who will listen...Just three more weeks and everything will be a ton better, because I will be out of school for the summer, we will be moved into the house, and everything will just fall into place. I think if I say it enough maybe it will be true.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

MeMe that my Mom did

I am: an over achiever. I am also very funny. Ok, most of the time I am the only one that thinks so, but really I am.

I want: Everything I have ever wished for.

I wish: My Mom was happy.

I hate: when people don't give the thank you wave when you let the over in traffic, and people that don't put up their buggies in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

I miss: the list is way to long for me to put on here.

I fear: being left, and being a failure.

I hear: B talking.

I wonder: If I have ever let my family down.

I regret: so many things.

I am not: an ordinary person.

I dance: Every chance I get.

I sing: All the time.

I cry: a lot, especially when I am stressed out.

I am not always: open to compromise.

I make with my hands: hand signals of course.

I write: depends on what paper is due when.

I confuse:so many people.

I need: for this week to go by quickly.

I should: do a lot of things, but I am just to tired right now.

I start: a lot of different things.

I finish: what I start...Most of the time.

I tag: anyone else who wants to do this meme.

Let me know if you do it so I can read it.

Monday, April 17, 2006

We Have Reached A Conclusion

And the winner is......Daisy, but almost all the votes. She looks like a Daisy and it is fitting for her. She would really like me to take her out of her box and give her some carrots this morning. The carrots thing...Maybe. Take her out of her box??? Not this morning. I have to finish getting ready for work. I am also doing a list of things to be happy for this morning, because it is Monday and I do not feel like I have had any sort of a weekend.

  1. That a bunch of people showed up on Friday to help me and B plan the wedding. (We picked out some REALLY cool stuff)
  2. For B....Saying he was not falling asleep last night while watching TV. He was just watching TV with his eyes closed.
  3. For a ton of animals that love me no matter how much school work I have to do.
  4. For class tonight. I had to include this one, because I don't want to go.
  5. All of the boxes I have packed up.
  6. A really cool new house to move into soon.
  7. B taking a key to the new house...Stealer!!!! LOL.
  8. Friends that know no matter who my maid of honor is, that it doesn't mean that I love anyone any less.
  9. Work that I get to go to. I have to say this one too, so that I might be able to get happy about it.
  10. School ending in something like 3 weeks. It will be nice when it is over!!!

Ok so that's my list for today. Where's yours?

Friday, April 14, 2006

What Shall Her Name Be?

Ok y'all we really have to think of a name for this super cute bunny rabbit that is living here. From everyone's suggestions I have picked a few and we will vote and I will determine her name by Sunday (hopefully). Sorry I did not get this posted any sooner, there has just been a whole lot going on right now. Any who...Here are your choices

  1. Cordillia
  2. Daisy
  3. Molly

4. Esther

Ok there are your choices. Please either post your comments with your vote or e-mail me. Oh and here is a pic of the sweet little thing sitting on me eating one a about a hundred carrots she eats everyday. Thought y'all would enjoy it.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Yes Virginia....There is an Easter Bunny

And it lives at my house. Ok y'all I need your help. B got me a bunny for Easter. I was calling him Charles, but turns out ol' Chuck here is a girl. So here is what I need. I need you all to help me think of names for her. Let me know what you come up with and we will have a vote on it and hopefully by Easter this cute little thing will have a name. What do you say? Let's get started.