A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

3rd Post in 20 minutes

Thank you Thank you and Thank you! I know you are all going to be impressed, I was artsy craftsy today! Yes I was. After I jumped on the thing that is pictured in the post you are going to read next, Gomer and I came insidee to watch a movie. While watching the movie, i sewed! That's right ladies and gentlemen, I Baby Gator, REV. sewed something. I bought this totally cute purse at the store when Gomer's Mom works, and Gomer had given me some of his old Marine Corp patches...so I sewed them on! Look I did good huh! I am so proud of myself! I really am!

Look at what I got!!!

Gomer's Mom got it for me for Christmas, but she said I could go ahead and have it. I am SOOOOOO excited! I have always wanted a tramploine. And now i have one, you will see and bunch of grass and stuff up there, because Gomer was trying to run the weedeater while I was jumping on the trampoline. How cool is this? I have a trampoline...you wanna come jump with me? the warning label on the black part (the part that you jump on) says "Only one person should jump at a time, having more people jump at the same time could result in injury, paralysis, or death. Jump only in the supervisionof mature, responsible adults." We're screwed!

We have been busy...part one

Well let's see, first we tiled the kitchen floor this weekend. Oh yes, we are just tiling people! It looks so awesome!!! I took some pics during the whole thing so that I could post them on here. If any of them are random pictures of Gomer those were his "breaks" that he took regularly. I really like the way the kitchen turned out. I think carpet in the kitchen is such a silly idea, we have spilled so much on the kitchen carpet it just looked terrible! I am really glad to have it done, especially seeing as how school starts tomorrow. ~YUCK!~ But this is my last semester, and then you all know what is going to happen! Oh yes...the wedding!!! The picture of the really old ugly stars, well that is the lanoluim that they had down before the carpet, that no one bothered to take up before they carpeted the entire house. So lets do a quick count, now the living room is hard wood floor, the kitchen is tile, the bathroom is tile, the little hallway is tile, and the utility room is tile. That leaves only the three bedrooms with carpet...ahhh....just the way I like it.

How busy have we been?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Well we got the crops in this year before the first good freeze. We didn't know if we would be able to get all of them in, but after I put down my phone and water bottle I had a free hand to tote these bad boys in. I just wanted to share with you the fruit of my labor. Minus one, cause I already ate it.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ordained Minister

Yep you read that right. Ordained minister. So Nat writes me an e-mail the other day...and I quote "Guess what! I am an ordained minister". I write her back "Run that by me again!" We we get on the phone and she tells me that she was trying to prove one of her friends wrong, and ended up becoming an ordained minister. Apparently you can just go online and google online ordained minister. We get into this big argument because I am like no you can't/ Surely you have to take some classes at seminary or go to school or something. She was like NOPE, all you have to do is fill out some paper work and boom there you go. So in an effort to prove Nat wrong I go online and google Become an ordained minister online. I start looking at all of the website...Fill out my name, address, and a few other minor details and BOOM I became an ordained minister. I can now legally perform weddings, funerals, etc. Do you know the only people who can marry someone is an ordained minister (like myself), a justice of the Peace, or a sea captain. I thought about becoming a sea captain, but this was way easier. So if anyone is looking for someone to preside over their wedding y'all just let me know! I am a member of the clergy!

Baby Gator, REV

I Have the Power!

Your Power Level is: 72%
You're a very powerful person, and you know that all of your power comes from within.Keep on doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goals.
How Powerful Are You?
I don't think that link works....so try this one. And if that one doesn't work, just go Rach's blog and get it yourself.

This was fun. I got it off of Spooky Rach's blog

Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Saturday, A Report...by Baby Gator

Ok, here is a funny little story about my Saturday. Gomer was suppose to go to Fire School today. I was going to have the whole day to myself. So I got up when he got off kissed him goodbye and thought about what to do with my day. First, I thought about garage saling, but then I thought...no money is REALLY tight right now so what else can I do? Then I thought I will paint the living room. We have wood paneling so I thought I could just take it down and paint the wall. YEAH, not that easy. So I decided to take up the bathroom carpet. I tear out all of the carpet and the padding underneith, and when I was taking the last of the padding out to the dumpster who should be pulling up but Gomer. I was like "what are you doing home?" and he says, "what was that?" I said "NOTHING" (I am a very good liar). so he comes inside and has this look onhis face like ~what the hell are you doing?~ So I tell him that I thought he would be proud of me for taking initiative to do something to the house. ~Ok side note to the girls...y'all know that we are the only ones with initiative. I knew darn good and well he wasn't going to be happy with me~ So he was like ok, lets take out the tack stips and staples and see what we have. It was some old YUCKY lanolium (sp?). I accidently tore some of it while I was pulling out a tack strip. But then all of it started coming up in big chunks. So we took all of that out. Then I was like lets go to your parents house and see if they have any paint brushes cause I want to paint the living room today too. He looked at me like I had lost my mind, but off we went. After stealing paint brushes from their house we went to the store where Gomer's Mom works. Their tile was on sale so we bought three boxes...~side note again...I told him we would only need two boxes, but what do I know~ so we got three boxes, and came home and tiled to floor, and put in the new potty that Mama and Dad bought for us. On the new and improved bathroom looks so nice. So I took some pics for everyone to see. I had to split this post into several different posts, because all the pics wouldn't fit on one!

Here are some picks of the old yucky bathroom. After I tore out the carpet of couse.
I think the potty is an antique. If anyone is looking to purchase an antique potty. I know where you can get one.
Gomer was moving in this picture. I told him not too, but he did it anyways!

Boy, he sure was happy that I took this picture.
Gomer working hard!

The new bathroom...YEAH!!!!!