A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Figment of you imagination

Ok y'all this is suppose to be Spring Break right?!? For all of my readers that are not from this country Spring Break is a week in the middle of the spring semester at school that you get off for a whole week. No school. This is great when you are an undergraduate, but when you decide to further your education you discover that Spring Break really doesn't exist. I still have to get up at 5:30 to go to work. I still have a paper due next Tuesday, and I still have a case study due the week after that. So this only leads me to wonder....Does Spring Break really exist? Also on a bit of sad note if you want to take it that way it has been a year since I moved to Amarillo. And most of you know why I moved. There have been some sad times since then, but look at how God has blessed me? I have a wonderful fiance that loves me dearly and I love him. I have two terribly spoiled dogs that adore both of us. I still have an extremely loud hamster that runs on his wheel for exercise when I get up in the morning. If I only had his will power to exercise every morning too. B and I almost have the wedding paid for. We are looking at getting a house in Canyon, and after this semester I only have one more to go in graduate school. So if you are reading this (person that is the reason that I moved to Amarillo) I hope that you are as happy and content with your life as I am. I hope you know that I still think of you on occasion, and I wish you the best of luck in your future. And I am seriously working on forgiving your brother. He said some horrible things, and I still think of them often, but he should know that someday forgiveness will come, and I hope that he finds peace himself. Ok that was a side note. Sorry about that y'all. Anyways, if anyone can find proof that Spring Break really does exist please show it to me. I would love to have that feeling of not doing a dang thing again.


At 11:37 AM , Blogger Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

You will take the high road and I will be very proud of you. It must be hard to have the problems and misery she has and also has a family who does not care about her enough to really get her help. Sweetness, they cannot help themselves. People hide from the truth because they would have to clean up their own messes if they looked at them.

Sort of like....people will use a can of Oust to get the stink out of the air but will not take out the smelly trash.


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