A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Just cause I feel like writing...And my Mom did it

I have seen it every where but am just now doing it.....

Accent: Southern of course. It gets really bad when I get mad or when I am trying to sell something to my managers.

Booze: Many in my day, but those days are over now.

Chore I hate: Depends on what mood I am in. I don't mind cleaning house when I am in the right mood.

Dog or cat: I have a dog. P-dog, but you all know that already.

Essential electronics: Cell phone and computer.

Favorite cologne(s): Individual Blue by Avon, but the discontinued it. So whatever smells good.

Gold or silver: Silver.

Hometown: Clarendon and Plainview.

Insomnia: sometimes...It depends on what is going on in my life.

Job title: Vendor, Retail Sales Rep, Fiance, Daughter, grand daughter, bitch...Depends on who you are asking I guess.

Kids: Do animals count? If they do then 4, not counting the fish and snail. I think if you have to flush them when they die then they don't count as kids.

Living arrangements: For the next two days this crappy apartment, but after that a beautiful new house in a tiny town.

Most admirable trait: ~laffin~ I don't know that I have one. Everyone says I have a unique voice, and they like my smile.

Number of sexual partners: Lets don't go there.

Overnight hospital stays: I don't remember. Two I think.

Phobias: Burger King Dude! I hate the SOB, who gets in bed with you, and when you wake up then you don't care because he is offering you a crusandwich. He probably went through your panty drawer while you were asleep.

Quote: There are so many.

Religion: Christian.....Nazarene.

Siblings: One brother, Bebo.

Time I wake up: Between 5:45-6:30

Unusual talent or skill: I don't think I have one.

Vegetable I refuse to eat: cooked carrots...They make me want to throw up!

Worst habit: eating when stressed

X-rays: teeth and my shoulder after the wreck.

Yummy foods I make: I can cook a lot of stuff.

Zodiac sign: Pieces and that fits me to a T!


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