The Patrick Show

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Patrick Show. I am your host...Patrick. Lets give a big round of appluase for our in house band Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Thank you Chachi! Well folks today we have a very special guest, he comes to us all the way from Shalisse's house...lets welcome Dinomite the Rocking Horse. ~wild applause~ Dinomite snots and bucks and eggs the crowd on. Thank you for being here today Dinomite, how are you? "I am rough tough rodeo horse Patrick, I am fired up for some good riding. " ~snorts~ Well, how nice! So, where are you from Dinomite? "I come from the wild west Patrick, ain't nothing out there I cain't do. Cause my daddy drank gasoline and my mamma kicked down trees. I am rough tough rodeo horse!" Yes, you mentioned that. So, when did you become a riding horse? "I ain't no riding horse Patrick. Ain't no one ever gonna ride me. I buck them cowboys off before they even know whats coming!" ~snorts and paws at the ground~ Well thats just super Dinomite. What happened to your tail? "Lost it in a freak accident. These cowboys were trying to put a halter on me and I was bucking and kicking as hard as I could. I busted out of the arena and ran staight into the barn. I got a little to close to the sheep sheers and lost my tail. ~snorts and paws more~ Patrick looks a bit uneasy. Well thats all the time we have for today. Thank you for joining us Dinomite. Lets give a big round of applause for someone you never want to make angry, your friend and mine...Dinomite. And as always, lets give a big thank you to our in house band Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Bring it on home Chachi. Thank you everyone! ~Patrick blows a kiss to the crowd~