Ok my
Mom did this then I feel like I should too. She made a list of things to accomplish this year. She isn't calling them resolutions cause resolution is a horrible word so we are calling it a list of things to accomplish in 2006. The idea is to come up with one thing to get done every month and to track your progress. So here's my list in no particular order.
#1 Actually use the work out equipment that I own. At least 3 times a week.
#2 Make a 4.0 at least one semester in grad school. Stupid Marketing I made a stupid B. What the heck! Geez, I mean I can make 2 B's and an A my first semester in grad school when all that crap was happening, and so I figured I could do better this semester since I shouldn't have as much stress. But did I??? No! Made me so mad!
#3 I want to do one thing just for myself every month. I know this sounds vain, but I tend to worry about other people and I would like to do just one thing a month for myself.
#4 I want to go to church at least once a month. I know I know I know. I should say that I am going to go every week and blah blah blah. Lets start out small. Ok! This one will make my Mom happy, and I know its something I need to do.
#5 I am going to put back a little bit of money from every pay check to help pay for the wedding. B and I aren't going to ask our family's for money because we want to do it ourselves. So we have come up with a plan to put a little back into savings every pay check and then we should be doing ok. So, anyways we have a plan...Now to put it into action!
#6 Put stuff on e-bay at least twice a month. I can do this one, I just have to make myself.
#7 Move into a different place. Not that this one doesn't provide shelter. Because it does, but other than that...Well y'all know!
#8 I want to rearrange my furniture. I know that one sounds easy, but I pretty much only have one furniture arrangement plan. It kinda sucks.
#9 Clean out and get rid of a bunch of unimportant stuff that I have. You know that stuff that we all have, but we don't want to get rid of because we might need it someday. Well chances are that if I haven't used it in more than two years then I am probably not going to ever use it!
#10 I want to do one thing every month to pay it forward. I know that sounds corny, but its true.
#11 I want to graduate this year. I know it will happen, but I have to take some really hard classes this year like statistical business analysis and what not like that. So I want to finish up school.
#12 I want to plan a wedding. My dream wedding if you will. On my own. Some people aren't as excited about this whole thing as me and B are. But I think they will come around. I know that he and I can do this, and I want to get it planned this year. And for all of those that are reading this that know about the promise I have made to my family I am still not getting married this year, but I am waiting until after I graduate. So y'all look for something around next February.
So it's y'all's turns! What are y'all going to do this year?