My Mom and Rach did this so I thought I would follow suit. I had fun with this.
I know how to tell a story and make it interesting.
My favorite food is white cake with white icing.
I have great hair, and I try to remind myself of that everyday.
I feel better about myself now that I have lost weight.
I, like my Mom, sing to myself out loud in the car.
I am NOT a crafter, I do not like to craft Sam I Am, but my Mom does and I try to keep my eyes out for anything cool she could do.
A time that I felt most honored was when Shalisse asked me to be Kye baby’s god-mother.
In the last few months I have become more “girly” than I ever thought I would be. I now insist on having my purse with me when I leave the house and I have to have my toenails painted.
I now have nightmares about being out in public without my purse. I use to have nightmares that I was topless in public, what happened here????
I have graduated college with a BBA.
I am now going to grad school. It’s hard, but hey no one said life was easy.
I now know that you can talk to someone for a long time and not really know them.
I have a wonderful dog named Patrick Hayden and he is my baby.
I have a special place in my heart for animals and I would have a kabillion of them if I could. Kabillion-from the Camille language; meaning a whole lot.
I like to randomly make up words, and use them where ever I see fit. Ex. #14 Kabillion, Who-ha(genitalia or people I do not like, this word can go either way), Jimmy-not just a name anymore, you can really use this one for anything too. Heck I might use it in a minute.
I love to blog, but can rarely find the time.
I am excited and scared, all at the same time, about moving.
I have had the same cell phone number for almost 8 years. I am not a huge fan of change.
I am working on that whole thing about not being a huge fan of change. Baby steps.
I have a hamster named Chachinski Nicholas. Just call him Chachi, he hates when people mispronounce his name. I do too.
I collect giraffes, alligators, shot glasses, and sometime random crap that serves no purpose.
I have a tendency to shock anything metal that I come in contact with. This kinda sucks, but it leads to an interesting life.
I can honestly say I have out run the Canyon Police Department.
I love economics and people think I am crazy.
I am addicted to Cherry Lime-Aides from Mr. Burger, and I just found out there is one near work, kinda in the ghetto, but hey you gotta do what ya gotta do.
I have a cat named Zarrah Lynn, I always talk smack about her but I do love her and I will be sad when I have to give her away.
I like to garage sale, though I rarely ever buy things.
My favorite movie is and has always been Steal Magnolias with Sally Fields and Julia Roberts. But Like Water for Chocolate comes in second.
I lead a pretty normal life, other people say I do not, but by my standards I do.
I have two stumps in my yard that I sit on regularly. I like to refer to them as yard ornaments.
I enjoy my job on occasion; ok I really just look forward to coming and hanging out with Shalisse.
My favorite color is blue.
My room is painted blue.
I dyed Patrick’s tail blue one time.
My sign is Pieces and I believe that certain signs have certain characteristics, I don’t necessarily believe in horoscopes, but hey you never know.
Oh I also collect Homies. They are fabulous.
drink lots of water everyday. I like water.
I love the piercings that I have and I would like to have more. I can’t explain it, its just fun.
Unlike my Mom, I do not hoar boxes, tins, or plastic containers. I have a tendency to throw these things away and then need it and think “Oh geez, I should have kept that.”
I talk to myself.
I like to color.
I have no tattoos, though I have often though of getting one I just can’t decide.
Most people will not understand this one, because it deals with economics, but I am not a Capitalist. I consider myself a decentralized socialist. Which means I believe in having a free market and a strong government.
I consider myself patriotic, and I vote in every election I can. I feel it is my civic duty.
have lost 51 lbs since last year.
I have abandonment issues, and I am working on dealing with them.
My entire family either is or was law enforcement.
I graduated with a degree in business.
I started college when I was in high school.
I drive a ’96 S10 pickup, who’s name is Floyd.
I love James Avery jewelry.
I am a Princess; I have more that one tiara to prove it. I also have a rug, bath robe, cups, and lots of other stuff that says Princess to prove it.
I believe that a girl can never have too many purses, too much jewelry, or too many clothes.
I like it when people use manners (yes ma’am/sir no ma’am/sir, please, thank you). You know the usual.
I hate nose spray!!!!
I hate clowns too, not scared of them they just creep me out and I would prefer that they stay away. Please.
I do not own a trampoline, but I would like to.
I love the water, I love to swim, I think it has a lot to do with my sign.
I do not call them carts or baskets…they are buggies…Wal-Mart buggies!!!
I love to travel though I do not do it often, but someday I will.
I still stick my thumb in my mouth when I get a shot at the doctor’s office. I have always done that, probably always will.
I can draw a mean turkey out of a tracing of my hand.
I can also draw a bad ass cow that can double as a cat, dog, horse, or fat giraffe, I like multipurpose artwork.
I have seen the SWAT team in action!
My Mom is the Princess of Everything, so I guess that makes me heir to the throne. Which means I get back the wienie guy on her antenna someday. Oh I am so lucky, and so many of you are jealous.
I have never done drugs and I never will.
I love to listen to music, mostly Texas Country, but I like almost everything.
My earliest memory is at Big Mama’s house and I was sitting on the floor and there was a red plasticy floor mat in front of the sink. No why I remember that I don’t know. But that’s my first memory.
I do not like chocolate or cooked carrots *spit*.
I love camping and now have my own tent SpookyRach traded it to me for a pair of my chaps.
I didn’t use to like pink, but I am starting to.
I get up every morning and say out loud “Ok, now what day is it.”
I wear red every Friday to support the troops.
I have a sock fetish. I could change my socks several times a day. Don’t know why.
I am more of a morning person that my friends are, but not as much of a morning person as my family.
I like to swing at the park.
I cannot do a cartwheel, but I always wanted to know how.
My toenails and fingernails are always painted a different color.
I do hoard lipsticks. I have three tubes of lipstick in my desk, on tube of capstick in my desk, a lip gloss stuff in my purse, another chapstick in my purse, and several tubes of lipstick at home. I can’t help it, they consume me.
I have a baby brother that is almost as tall as I am. They just grow up so fast.
Shalisse and I made up codes for different stuff at work. Ex. Code 45-we’re gonna eat some cake. Code 13-Can’t get the car in park, code 11 can’t get the door to open, code 87 Camille is going to ride the donkey outside of Ruby Tequila’s.
I like to ride the donkey outside of Ruby Tequila’s. Its not a real donkey it’s the kind you put a quarter in and in goes. I just love that damn thing.
I love to wear flip flops or go barefoot. I have new flip flops that are about 3 inches tall so they make me tall like everyone else at work. It’s kinda nice. Natalia gave them to me.
I like to use the can-o-air to blow all the crusties out of my key board at work. I would do it at home but it grosses me out at home.
When I get upset about something and I am by myself I listen to loud music and clean.
I do not like it when people stand outside of bathrooms. You know when you have to walk past them; I always think they are thinking something tacky like “Well I know what you are going to do.” It’s just weird.
I like it when it’s just me and Shalisse at work and we push each other in our rolly chairs. You just have to be careful, because these things aren’t made for speed you can fall over.
I do not like Vanilla Ice, I don’t care for the person or the music.
I do not remember much of my “daddy”, I think God has blocked that from my memory.
I am a strong person, though I choose not to believe that sometimes.
I influence people everyday.
I like to watch cartoons. Especially King of the Hill, The Simpsons, Futurama, and Family Guy. OMG, these shows are just hilarious.
In Vegas, I petted a sting ray. It was awesome.
I have been asked not to ride the buggies at Wal-Mart.
My left eye usually twitches. It use to bother me, now it still does.
If I could have cosmetic surgery I would have a boob lift (I would put them back where they belong) and I would have liposuction.
I wish I could fly or at least float.
Sometime I am a courteous driver and wave people over in front of me when they are like trying to get out of a drive thru or something. It’s just nice, but I think they should have to give you the thank you wave or you should be allowed to just ram into them and it be there fault for not giving the thank you wave.
I like hats, I don’t wear them much but I sure do like ‘em.
I have learned that you can always learn new things. Doesn’t matter if you have a college degree or not, there is always something left to learn.