A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


My Mom tagged me so I guess I had to do this. It was kinda hard for me, cause I don't like to read. But I did it anyways. Enjoy!
1. You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451 ; which book do you want to be? I am taking this to mean what book would I save or risk my life for…hhhmmmm. This may sound stupid, but I would save Oh the Palces You’ll Go by Dr. Suess. The reasoning behind that is because this is the book I read when I am feeling down and it always reminds me that no matter what I am going to be ok. Or this pink book I have, I can’t remember the name of it for anything. Its something like a Southern Womens Guide to Life. Its fabuous. It talks about the way southern ladies should do things, and the small things that we keep that have more of an impact on ourlives that we realize. (i.e. cast iron skillets) It’s a wonderful book and in my next post I will try to include the name of it.
2. Have you ever had a crush on a fiction character? Yes Dylan from the Outsiders I read it in the 7th grade I think. Loved it. Couldn’t put it down which is odd for me cause I really don’t like to read.3. The last book(s) you bought: Do school books count? 4. The last book you read: The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Von Hayek. He is a wildly famous economist. I don’t really agree with everything he said, but do you ever really agree with someone completely? He was a complete Capitalist and I don’t agree with being completely Captialist or completely Socialist. You have to meet somewhere in the middle. Here is a link to the remake of the book, they put in captions and pictures so that they could teach it in grade schools. Crazy huh.

Or The Brethern by John Grisham. I just love John Grisham.
5. What are you currently reading? My economics notes from last night.

6. Five books you would take to a desert island:
Oh The Places You’ll Go
My Girl Scout Handbook (hey if I am going to be stranded I want to know how to do somethings, ok!)
Women’s Devotional Bible
The Compete Works of John Grisham as mentioned earlier I just love John Grisham. He is by far my favorite author. That’s probably it cause if I am on a desert island I am gonna want to spend my days playing in the water and stuff like that and at night I won’t be able to read cause there’s no electricity.


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