A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Friday, September 28, 2007

I just don't know...

Ok, y'all I don't know what is going on with me but something seriously strange is happening to me. I am ready for a change. I don't know what that means, I don't know if it means moving, getting a new job, doing something different with my hair, I don't know. I just can't figure it out, I don't even like change. I have never in my life said..."yep, change...that's what I want...change" That is just not me. Ask my Mom, she will tell you. It is just so weird. I tried getting out of town for the weekend, but that didn't do the trick, so I am going out of town this weekend too. This time it's to see Biker, last weekend it was to go see the family. And I had a wonderful time. I don't know what the change I need to make is, but as soon as I figure it out; I will let you know.

Baby Gator

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Thankful List

1. Today is Thursday...that means tomorrow is Friday.
2. My little brother is coming to stay with me this weekend.
3. Biker is great with little brother.
4. Lydi is going to the doctor today.
5. My laundry is done.
6. My laundry is folded.
7. Would be more thankful if my laundry was put away.
8. I am almost done painting my bathroom.
9. I can dress how ever I want to to go to work.
10. I have tickets to the fair.
11. My animals that love me no matter what.
12. My house being partially clean.
13. Tomorrow is payday.
14. My Jeepy.
15. My Mom that I can call and talk to just about nothing.
16. Clean panties.
17. Two brand spanking new bras.
18. Lydi being calm with me while I kept losing everything yesterday...fair tickets, check fromd Dr.'s office, etc.
19. Beck Beck that will just call for no reason, just to see what I am doing.
20. Biker...he sings to me every night so that I can go to sleep. My Mom used to do that when I was little and I just love it.

What are you thankful for today???

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Tonight I was going to write about my weekend at the river, but right now I find it more important to write about my Mom Gator. She is the best Mom Gator in the whole world. She lets me call her at 2am when I don't feel good and keep throwing up Pepto Bismol. No one likes Pepto Bismol. No one on Earth. Then she will just let me call and talk about nothing...nothing at all, and she doesn't care she just lets me talk because she knows that I need too. She calls and gives me updates on shows that I don't even watch, but it is important to her, so it is important to me.
She takes off of work when I have to go to the hospital of the totally unfun test, and then she stays the whole weekend with me and cleans my house. She will say that she didn't clean my whole house but she really did (even thought it is a mess again). I heard rumors that she is rattling around the idea of someday coming closer to me. ~jumps up and down with excitement~ I would love it if she were closer to me.
I love it that I don't have to share her with anyone else other than baby brother, but that is ok, because I am pretty partial to him. I am glad that God blessed me with her, because I can't imagine my life with anyone else as my Mom. She is my best friend and I can tell her anything.
She supports me in anything I want to do. Like go to graduate school...she was my #1 supporter. When I wanted to break up with Gomer, she supported me 100%. When people get all jealous because she is my Mom and not their's we laugh about it, and I get to...oh I can't think of a word, but I get to gloat that she is my Mom and unfortunately for them their Mom's are never as good as my Mom.