A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Nothing is Cooler than the Keytar

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Just a few things

So many things are going through my head right now. What do you do when someone has been on your brain all day and you know its some one that should not be on your brain? What do you do when your best friend is like hey we are moving to a freakin foriegn country, and I don't mean Mexico. This is no day commute people. They say probably but i know they will and I wan so badly to be happy for them, and I am really trying to make myself, but I am just being selfish and don't want you to leave. I will miss you so much and you have been such a saving grace in my life. Things are so confusing right now, and I am just highly emotional because its the week when "family" comes to town, and God only knows how I would be if I didn't have Lexapro on my side. And praise the Lord for the nurse at my Dr's office who gave me another two months worth of samples. I need to make that lady some cookies. I tell you what! and then there is the whole person on the brain thing....there's a whole can of worms. What do you do? What if a can of worms is opened and people get upset? Or hurt? Or even worse what if people are disappointed in me? I am telling you people, i am SERIOUSLY on high emotion right now. And Gomer is trying to be so sweet...he keeps saying its going to be ok, they said they probably won't leave for two years. and I know that is so long, but what if they do leave. And I know the stupid saying "If ifs and Buts were wishes and Nut then we would all have a Merry Christmas." They people who came up with that ought to be dug up out of his grave and kicked. For real. Damnit who has the step by step instruction manual for life? Most people are like well Baby Gator that is the Bible. Yes it is and I agree with that. But I don't remember any story about thinking about a person and not knowing what to do or about your best friend moving to another country. If you find that story please e-mail me. Or leave a comment. Ok, sorry to post such a downer my next post will be way more fun, cause my Mom is going to send me questions to answer. I love you all and thank you so much for listening.