A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I didn't use to be a follower....but now I am.

I found this on my Mom's blog, who found it from Rach, who found it from someone else.

It's super fun, lets all play.

Give it a try:Please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL MEMORY OF YOU AND ME. It can be anything you want--good or bad--BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.


At 8:51 AM , Blogger the farming cowboy from west texas said...

I can remember the first time we met. We where on a singles cruise in the Bahamas. It was great. We met by the bow of the ship and where watching the dolphins jump and play. I asked if you had any plans for dinner and you said no so we spent the night in the dining room. After thats when the band started playing Fly me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra. After that we spent every meal and as much time together as we could. When the ship docked and it was time to go home you retired to your native state of Nevada and I had to go back home to my 6 figure job in New York city. Five years later who knew we would be in the same state of California. Maybe soon we can get together and listen to old blue eyes.

At 6:39 PM , Blogger Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Oh sweetie, I remember it just like it was yesterday!! I had taken you to the audition for a new TV show pilot. You were beautiful and everyone stopped what they were doing when you entered the room. Your sweet little face, blonde curls and innocent little smile stopped them all in their tracks. Most assumed that you were spoiled until you sat there and played so nicely with all of the other little girls. You just had to go to the restroom. I left to take you and then, when we returned, we found out that your name had been called. The mother of the twins behind us had told the lady that we had left and they took your place in line. Damn those little Olsen twins.

At 10:32 AM , Blogger spookyrach said...

You were the one in the monster truck. It was painted John Deere green and the tires must have been, i dunno, 8 feet tall!

Later, when I testified in Court for that lawsuit, I didn't say anything about the look of devilish glee that was on your face as you smashed Mary Kate's little BMW into a tiny thousand pieces. I never liked her. Or her sister. Evidently the jury didn't like 'em either, eh?

At 3:39 PM , Blogger the farming cowboy from west texas said...

Well there was this one time that I was Headlining the George Strait concert held at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and you was there on a modeling shoot for I think Cosmo magazine and you requested to see me after the show. It was great here I was a Lowly guitar player face to face with a real life supermodel. It was a night in heaven I am sure of it. We proceeded to go to the Paris and eat a bite in the tower. It was the time of my life but then our cell phones rang and we had to both go our own way. I had a show in LA and you had to go back to New York to do post production on the photos. Until one day when you called me at my Ranch in San Antonio you informed me that you had decided to quit the supermodel game and sold your house in Paris and decided you wanted to try your hand at being the head of my fan club and learning how to cowboy. And since that moment its been down hill ever since.

At 10:28 AM , Blogger MChoateTX said...

I remember when I was very little(my only memory of when i was a little kid) when we went to the zoo. When you saw the geraffe, you got so excited. You asked mom if you could go ride it, but when she said no you had a fit! After that you told her that you were going to the restrooms, but I will never find out how you snuck into the place were he was and started rideing him! you grabed your cowgirl hat and acted like you were rideing a bucking bull!

good times!


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