A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Monday, September 19, 2005

What a mamma's Boy!!!

I try to tell you all but no one ever listens. Patrick is my son! Cut and dried. He and I use to do everything together. He use to go to school with me when I would just have one class, he would wait in the car for me, when I worked at Edu-Care he would go to work with me, he sleeps in my room at night, he hangs out with me all the time. I try to tell you people, but just like always no one ever listens. So, my wonderful B tells me that he will watch P-dog for me while I am gone to training. The last thing I told B was don't spoil my dog. He does not need to eat people food all the time, and do not I repeat do NOT let him ride in the front seat of your pickup. Just like everyone else in the world he did not listen to me either. Here's the original story that I got from B while I was away. Patrick won't sleep, he won't get out of the pickup, he won't eat his food and he howls all night long. YEAH, I felt so bad. First off how could I leave my precious baby dog? Just so everyone knows, yes I did call and talk to Patrick while I was gone. I didn't want him to forget who I was. So now, truth be told here's the real story about what happened last week with Patrick. Would everyone like to know what Patrick was eating for breakfast every morning? BEEF JERKY! B would take P-dog to the convince store and they would BOTH go in and Patrick would get to pick out what beef jerky he wanted that day. Did he ride in the back of the pickup? No sir! Patrick got to ride in the passenger side, with the air conditioner on. Hell, half the time I don't run the air conditioner. B and P-diddy (as B calls him) would go ride around half the day. Ok, he didn't sleep much at night because he was up howling all night, but that's because B wouldn't let him in the house. And as we all know...Patrick Baby sleeps in the house. There is a reason that he was not allowed in the house anymore and that's because the one time that he did get to go in the house he ate the cats (Dumpster, Paxter, Missy, and Kaci) out of house and home. I forgot to tell B that P-dog loves cat food. I guess its really no comparison to Beef Jerky everyday. He didn't have to be put on a leash, he got to do whatever he wanted. Yeah, what a rough weekend for Patrick, and see...yall thought I spoiled him.


At 4:13 PM , Blogger spookyrach said...

Its all respect for the P-diddy.

Peace out.

At 6:42 AM , Blogger the farming cowboy from west texas said...

Yeah I spoiled him what of it I will do it again and again and again. Me and P-diddy are close like that. Besides he likes to drive from time to time.

At 1:55 PM , Blogger Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

He gets drunk at my house and falls down the stairs. I think he buys it from some bootlegger in the complex because there is no alcohol at my house.


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