A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Patrick Show

Well hello everyone, and welcome to another espisode of The Patrick Show! I am your host...Patrick! Lets all give a big round of applause to our in house band...Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. ~wild applause~ Gee Chachi, I just don't see how you play all those instruments by yourself!?!? "Well Patrick, thats why its called Chachi and His ONE MAN HAMSTER BAND, cause its just me, rockin it on the drums and jammin out on the guitar." ~Patrick seems disinterested~ Today our special guest is Coco the Attack Cat from Upstrairs, lets give a warm Patrick Show welcome to Coco. How are you doing today Coco? "Purrrfect Patrick, and how about yourself?" Oh doin just great, just great I tell ya! So Coco, how do you like living with Ed your human? "Oh Patrick I must tell you Ed is a great guy, i have him trained very well. When I meow he gives me food, when I rub up against him he pets me. It takes a lot to train a human that well." I know what you mean Coco, my human still hasn't learned that when I look at the fridge that means I want something from in there. "Well Patrick I have learned that it takes years to train a human in the way that they should act." I know exactly what you mean Coco, have they ever been playing with the ball with you ~Patricks tail begins to wag~ and then they do that fake throw thing. Makes me so mad. I just want to say..."way to go, yo ufooled the dog. There's a proud moment for the top of the food chain!" "Oh I know what you mean Patrick, Ed has a feather on a stick and he moves it around, and that stick has weird powers...I tell ya Patrick. That damn thing makes me dance every time!" Oh my gosh Coco, I can't believe how long we have been talking. Our time is up for today, but you will have to come back on the show and bring your other roommate...the spider. "Oh yes Patrick we will have to do this again. Thank you so much for having me on today. It has been just too much fun. Kisses dear Patrick, kisses." Well thank you for being here with us today Coco, lets give another round of applause ladies and gentleman for Coco the attack cat from upstairs. And one more big hand for your favorite band and mine Chachi and His Good Times Hamster Band! ~Patrick turns to Chachi...Chachi looks mad!~ Thats Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band, Patrick. ~Patrick looks embarrassed~ Please excuse me ladies and gents....what I meant was Chachi and His Good Times One Man Hamster Band. Thank you all for being here and until next time! ~Patrick blows a kiss to the crowd~


At 8:37 AM , Blogger spookyrach said...

Another info-taiment spectacular! Wooo-hoo!


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