A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Monday, September 11, 2006

We Will Never Forget!!!

i just raed my Mom's blog, and started to cry. I remember where I was the very second I got the call about the Twin Towers. I was living in the dorms at school, it was only a few minutes after 8am, and my Mom called me and said "Baby Gator we need to pray!" I said "What's going on?" Mom said turn on the TV, a plane has just hit one of the World Trade Center Buildings." I turned on the tv and woke up my roommate just in time to see people running from the buildings covered in ash and bleeding and crying. Then we saw it...another plane hit the other tower. We began to cry. Those poor people they had no idea, they did nothing wrong, they were civilians! Regular people like me and you. I too remember the sceen of President Bush reading to those children, and the look on his face when the aide told him the news. Then there is was again...another plane....the Pentagon was hit too. Then the plane in the Pennsilvania (sp?) field. Then suddenly we are at war. I didn't know anyone in those buildings, I didn't know anyone on those planes, but I did know several people that would go and fight for America's freedom. And that was a scary thought. Suddenly my class sizes had been cut by an extreme amount, many men and women after that day went to enlist to fight for our protection. Within hours of the towers being hit, the nursing school at WT had set up a blood drive, and everyone on Campus, and in town had lined up to give their own blood. I tried to donate, but it had been less than 5 years since I had been out of the country, so I stayed to help where I could. Pass out cookies, and take people names. A few days after 9-11 I went home to C-town to visit my family, and I took the long way back through Amarillo, and as you are coming into town there is a walkway that goes over I-40. People were holding flags, yelling, and holding banners that say WE LOVE AMERICA!!! WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!! I wish I had a picture of that scene. In case anyone reads this post, I just want you to know that I will NEVER FORGET!!! I am also about to be married to a man that I know for certain will never forget. Because of this day only 5 short years ago he got to have to round trip tickets to fight for our freedom. Always remember and NEVER FORGET!


At 10:37 AM , Blogger the farming cowboy from west texas said...

We shall never forget when Terrorist envaded our country killed maimed and wounded thousands of innocent people who went to work one morning thinking nothing would change but in an instant the world changed. I shall never forget because I knew several Brothers in Arms who lost there lives up holding there vow to the United States. So when people say why are we at war all I can say is that instead of us letting them take the fight to us we take the fight to them so 9-11 doesnt ever happen again. So to all I say God Speed and Semper Fidelis

At 3:48 PM , Blogger see-through faith said...

hugs to you

May God envelope you in His love!


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