A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Let me give you a little background before I start this story...Ron (my boss) has had heart surgery. Something like quadruple bypass or something, maybe triple...I don't know. Keep this in mind as I tell this story. So today Shalisse and I decide to go to lunch because we are tired of being at the office and it is really stressful cause corporate income tax needed to be turned in approximately one eternity ago and Ron brought it to Shalisse today at 11:30. So we decide to go to Golden China. We decided this by doing a very scientific experiment and writing restaurants down on pieces of paper and I had Shalisse draw one out. *I digress* So we are walkin through Ron's office and say "Hey Ron, we're going to lunch." See that...No invitation! He says "Where are yall going?" We say "Golden China, or as you refer to it...The Human Feed Trough." He says "that sounds good, I think I'll go too." See that still...No invetation. So we go, we eat just like normal, then Shalisse and I go to get dessert. We got ice cream, both Vanilla. We are passing by the buffet and we spotted them...The fried sugar biscuits. Whats a girl to do...So we got some. And we go back to our table. Ron looks at us and says "Fried sugar biscuits huh, those aren't good for you they will kill ya! HAHAHA!" Shalisse and I take this as wow you hefiers, did you not get enough. Well Ron goes back to the buffet, and I looked at Shalisse and says *all tacky like* "Fried sugar biscuits, those will kill you!" And without missing a beat Shalisse comes back with "Only if you have a heart condition and I don't!" and eats a sugar biscuit. We both laugh and when Ron came back to the table do you know what he had...yep you guessed it sugar biscuits! So later that day at work Shalisse and I were in her office and Ron walks in and starts talking to us, then he is rubbing his chest and says something about his arm/shoulder hurting still and he thinks he is gonna die. And I returned with "Its those fried sugar biscuits!" He laughed, so did we.


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