A Glimpse Into My World

Don't call me Lenny Kravitz.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

One of My Favorite Christmas Decorations

Ever since I was a wee baby gator I have always had a favorite Christmas decoration. This may sound silly but it just wouldn't be Christmas without this certain piece of decor. For as long as I can remember my Mom Gator had a wooden manger scene. The figures are (as in most manger scenes) Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, this little crib thingy that Baby Jesus sits on, a tree, a camel, a donkey, a sheep, a manger, a star, and stick that holds the star above the manger. But the star has been MIA for a few years. Also I don't know where the wise men are, they have never been in on this manger scene. This manger scene must have been made before the wise men got there. I don't know. When I was little I would sit and play with this manger scene for hours. And every year (never failed) my Mom Gator would put out the manger scene. Well my first year of college, and my first year in my house was a sad one. I did not have the manger scene with me. This is because it is not my manger scene its my Mom Gator's. Then last Christmas my Mom Gator gave me the best before Christmas Christmas present ever. She sent the manger scene home with me. She sent it home in a ziplock bag with some baking soda cause apparently it was kinda stinky. Well every year (both of them) that Aimee and I have been in this house we have put out my very special manger scene. In fact it is sitting on the tower of the computer right beside me.


At 10:21 AM , Blogger Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

That made me sad and glad at the same time. I got that manger scene for you when you were a baby. I got it so that you could play with it. You ate the wise men when you were a little over 1 year old.


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